Opt-in Data Collection

We collect some plugin usage data if you have opted in using Freemius, our plugin licensing partner. We do not collect any user-submitted data such as the list of jobs or applications in any case. Click here to learn more about it.

What data are collected? 

When opting into usage tracking, the only personal data collected is the opted-in WordPress user's first and last name and email address. Except for that, no other personal or business-critical data from you or your website’s users is tracked. The name and email address are stored to allow the product’s team to get in touch regarding potential security updates, feature announcements, etc.

Here is a list of all the data Freemius collect, followed by a comprehensive breakdown of why we collect it.

  • Opted-in User’s First and Last Name and Email Address
  • The version of the plugin 
  • Plugin State (Active, Inactive, Uninstalled)
  • WordPress Version, PHP Version, and MySQL Version
  • WordPress Locale (Country and Language)
  • Website URL
  • Website IP
  • List of Installed Plugins and Themes (Optional)

Will Product Updates Continue Working if I Skip the Opt-In?

Yes — but product updates require license key activation and ‘opt-in’ to be able to push the latest updates to your server. So once opted out, you will have to update the plugin manually. 

Can I Opt-Out From Usage Tracking After Opting In?

If at some point after opting in or activating a license you wish to opt-out to stop sharing any further data in the background, follow these instructions:

Visit the Plugins → Installed Plugins page and click the 'Opt Out' link next to the plugin’s column.

How Can I Have My Data Completely Removed From Freemius?

You can sign into the User Dashboard with your email and password. If you’ve yet to receive a password, click on the ‘Never received your password?’ link on the login page to create one. Once logged in, go to the ‘My Profile’ page and you’ll be able to close your account. If there are reasons why the account can’t be closed, they will be explicitly specified there.

Is Freemius GDPR Compliant?

Yes. Please find more information about GDPR compliance on the blog post Freemius released announcing GDPR readiness.

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